What to Grow on your Plot in September

September is the month when you start to see bare patches on your allotment as you harvest and dig up this season’s plants. But worry not, there’s still things you can plant out during the autumn months and first up is autumn onion sets.

Onion sets are immature onions which have been lifted and dried to stop any further growth. You can buy several varieties from the members’ shop now. We have Radar, Shakespeare and Blood Red available.

Plant them out now and water well and they will then resume growing over the winter months. Autumn sets are hardy so no need to worry about protecting them from frosts etc.

The sets can either be planted direct into the ground, just push them in root end first so just the tops are showing approx. 4″ – 6″ apart.

Or they can be started off in modules with compost and planted out once the top growth is a few inches high.

Either way, I like to protect mine from being pulled up by pigeons until they have established themselves by covering them with a mesh tunnel.

Autumn planted sets are usually ready for harvesting a short time before spring planted sets, so I find it’s a good way of spreading the harvesting season. Once harvested, onions store well. Just string them up and hang in a shed or bin store in my case.

Starting from Scratch – Onwards and Upwards!

So, it’s been a few months since we last caught up with Yvonne and Steve on their new plot. When we last met them, they had just acquired a shed on FreeCycle.

The shed was a 8ft x 6ft shed which Steve chopped down to make it 3ft x 4ft with a veranda! Steve and Yvonne assembled the shed in their garden before transporting it to their plot on a roof rack.

New felt on the roof and a lick of paint and it was good to go!

A recent addition has been a decking area at the front made from a free pallet.

In the meantime, their plot has continued to fill up with crops.

And they have enjoyed a good harvest

And now as autumn approaches, it all starts again with clearing ground and planting autumn onion sets and garlic.
Yvonne and Steve have done amazingly well in such a short space of time on their plot. Long may it continue!

Best Kept Allotment Competition 2017

The short-listed plots were judged by an independent judge a couple of weeks ago. The judge commented how high the standard was this year, so well done to all those short-listed.

The plot gaining the most points at the North Road is tenanted by Gordon Petitt. Gordon has had his full plot for 14 years and I loved the structure and order of his plot.

Gordon Petitt at North Road
Gordon’s plot

The plot gaining the most points on the  Clothall Road site was Chris Vincent who has only had his half plot for four years. I was amazed at how much he had managed to cram in on his plot with numerous varieties of various crops, including onions grown from seed.

Chris Vincent at Clothall Road
Chris’ packed plot
Wonderful beanpoles coppiced from nearby woods

Both Gordon and Chris will receive a voucher for £25 to be spent in the members’ shop.

Of these two plots, Chris’s plot scored the most points and he will be awarded the Basil Bryant Cup at the AGM in January 2018.

Each year a separate competition is run to judge the Best Newcomer, with tenants taking on their plots after 1 May 2016 being eligible for the award this year. Paula Lancaster scored the most points for her half plot which she took on in February earlier this year. I was amazed to see not only was her plot fully cultivated, but it was full of crops too.

Paula Lancaster at Clothall Road
Paula’s plot

An excellent job Paula! Paula will be awarded the Frank Conway Cup at the AGM next year.

Congratulations to all our winners!

What to do with a Courgette Glut….

We’ve all been there; you reach the point where you just can’t give your excess courgettes away. You’ve given some to everyone you know at work and to members of your family, so what to do now?

A recent blog post by Matt Peskett at Grow Like Grandad is a really useful one to bookmark as not only does it include a big long list of recipes using courgettes (separated by type), but Matt has also indicated how many courgettes are needed for each recipe which saves a lot of toing and froing trying to find a recipe which uses the amount or number of courgettes that you are trying to use up!
You can read the post here.

In the meantime, here’s a simple rustic recipe from BALGA member, Jon Jones.

Courgettes with baby tomatoes


2 or 4 small courgettes or 1 large courgette
15ml thick olive oil
French tarragon, whole basil leaves or fresh oregano
Baby tomatoes


If using a large courgette, slice into 1cm (half inch) slices.

Heat oil in a frying pan and fry smaller courgettes whole like sausages, turning until they are evenly brown.
Or fry slices from large courgette.

5 minutes prior to courgettes being full cooked, add the baby tomatoes together with your chosen herb. Season with fresh ground pepper to taste.

Continue cooking until the tomatoes are on the verge of collapsing.

Serve immediately, or dish can be allowed to cool and eaten cold.






What’s in Season – Courgettes

Ah….courgettes! One of the vegetables most allotment folk grow and look forward to harvesting……until the glut kicks in!

As a veg grower, it is always best to sow at least a few seeds when growing a crop but courgette seeds are usually good germinators. Sow them individually in small pots for best results. However, whilst you may have sown half a dozen seeds which become seedlings and then healthy plants, once you’ve planted them out the realisation hits you that you may just have grown a few too many plants. Once they start cropping, the courgettes keep coming! And whoa betide the allotment tenant who misses a few and finds they have now grown a couple of marrows!


Joking aside though, courgettes are actually quite a versatile crop. Google ‘courgettes recipes’ and you are inundated with a wide variety of suggestions from cakes, gratins and currently en vogue, spiralizing them!

And talking of versatility, don’t forget courgette flowers are also edible and quite a delicacy; deep fried in batter being a popular recipe. Pick them just as they are opening.

Courgette flowers

Once established, the plants throw up both male and female flowers with the female flowers being easily recognisable because they have a small fruit behind them. The plants can take up a lot of space and need a lot of watering in hot weather but regular watering will ensure better quality fruit. Pick the fruit when they are young and thin, perhaps around 5″ long and always cut them from the plant with a knife; twisting and pulling them off will damage the plant.

One of the best things about growing courgettes, is the varieties available including yellow ones. There are quite a few heritage varieties out there too.

My only courgette regret this year……not growing any. I actually feel a bit left out that I’m not suffering from a courgette glut!

Asparagus Omelette

If, like me, you have asparagus on the plot, you may be getting fed up with boiled asparagus with melted butter as a starter. I can enjoy it every other day, but every day is too much! I researched asparagus recipes on the web and found several for asparagus omelette. I adjusted one to what was available, and it was delicious!
Phil Charsley

Ingredients (for 2 people)

6 thick asparagus spears or equivalent
about 3oz (80 grams) bacon bits
1/4 red pepper (optional)
4 eggs
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp olive oil or small knob butter
small quantity milk (optional)


Hold ends of asparagus spears in each hand and bend until they break. Discard hard ends (or use to make soup!) Cut asparagus into half inch lengths.

Slice and dice pepper.

Break eggs into a bowl and whisk to omelette consistency. Add a little milk if you prefer.

Put oil or butter in frying pan, heat and add bacon bits. Fry on medium heat until brown.

Add diced pepper and asparagus and fry for 4 to 5 minutes.

Fry bacon, peppers and asparagus

Pour in beaten eggs. Cook on a medium heat until surface is almost set

Add eggs

Fold over, and cook for a further minute.


Serve and enjoy!

Starting from Scratch – A Year in the Life of a New Plot

In this series of articles we follow Yvonne and Steve during their first year as allotmenteers showing you what can be achieved with a bit of effort and hard graft.

New tenants, Yvonne and Steve took on their plot in mid April 2017. They had no previous allotment experience other than going to their father’s allotment with him when little. They chose a half plot on the Clothall Road site. The plot hadn’t been worked for many years, although a recent tenant had dug out outlines of beds.

The new plot!

The plot had been strimmed in readiness for letting by site rep, Martin Luker, but some weeds still remained.

Keen to get started, they made good progress very quickly and had dug over several beds within a couple of weeks.

First four beds dug

A quick visit to the members’ shop and they were able to plant seed potatoes and onion sets and start some seeds off at home.

A week or so later and more beds were dug and a base laid for the shed, both of which were picked up for free after searching online.

Within a month, amazingly they had dug over the whole plot.

Initial digging over complete!

And were excited to see the first signs of growth as their seed potatoes made an appearance.

First signs of life

Yvonne and Steve have worked really hard over the month to get the initial digging completed. They have also followed sage advice and planted a little too so they can see signs of growth; a reward for all their hard work.

In the next instalment we’ll see what plans Steve has for the shed!

Excess Seedlings

One of the worst faults of a gardener is sowing too many seeds and then not being able to throw any surplus seedlings away. We just can’t bring ourselves to do it, can we?

Well worry not! If members have an excess seedlings they’ve grown, they can now bring them down to the Members’ Shop before it opens on a Sunday where they can be sold to raise funds for the association.
Or maybe some of your seedlings have failed this year and you are looking to plug the gap at a good price?
Don’t forget the shop is open every Sunday from 10am to 12 noon until the end of November.

On a similar note, if it’s plants you are after, the Baldock Horti Soc have a stall at the Baldock Street Fair this coming Saturday where they are selling plants to raise funds; there may be even some veg plants available!

Rhubarb and Vanilla Crumble

This is a recipe I’ve been tweaking ever since I pulled my first rhubarb stalks a few weeks ago. I’ve previously made rhubarb and vanilla jam, which was wonderfully mellow to taste and I was hoping to recreate the flavour in a crumble.

Rhubarb & vanilla crumble

If you have a go, let me know if the sweetness needs amending. Mine was a bit tart still, although the flavours were much more mellow the following day.
Joanna Kent


1lb Rhubarb
4oz Caster sugar
1 Vanilla pod

For the crumble
4oz Plain flour
2oz Butter or margarine
3oz Caster sugar


  1. Preheat oven to 190 deg C (375deg F / gas mark 5)
  2. Wash rhubarb stalks and cut into 1″ pieces. Place rhubarb chunks into an ovenproof dish and cover with the caster sugar.
  3. Cut vanilla pod in half and scrap out the seeds and place in the dish together with the halved vanilla pod.
  4. Stir the contents to ensure all the rhubarb pieces are covered in sugar.
  5. Cover dish with foil. Place in the oven and roast rhubarb for approx. 20 – 30 mins until rhubarb is soft. Remove vanilla pod from dish.
  6. Sieve flour into a bowl and rub in butter or margarine until mixture resembles breadcrumbs. Stir in caster sugar.
  7. Pour crumble mix over the roasted fruit.
  8. Cook in oven for approx. 30 mins until crumble top is golden.
  9. Enjoy with custard, cream or ice cream.


Why be an Organic Gardener?

One of the main reasons people take on allotments is to grow their own veg organically so they know where their food has come from and more importantly, what has gone on it. Phil Charsley tells us why he grows organic veg on his plot.

‘I have grown organically on my plot for many years. My main reason for doing so is because I don’t like the idea of spray residues on or in my food!
The most important principle of organic growing is being friends with nature. This means attracting certain predators onto your plot to help you in the battle against the bits of nature you don’t want on your plot. Ladybirds and hoverflies are typical examples of these friends and the more you can attract, the merrier!
Hoverflies breed in stagnant water but you don’t need much to attract them. A 2 litre plastic bottle propped up somewhere and filled with water and rotting vegetation or woodchips will do the job. It’s best put in a corner of your plot and forgotten about as the larvae aren’t very pretty!
Ladybirds will look after themselves and lay eggs which hatch into grubs with an enormous appetite for aphids. Don’t forget, if you find them over-wintering somewhere, leave them alone as they will continue their work next year.

I belong to Garden Organic and am also a member of their Heritage Seed Library. For a small fee I get to choose six packets of heritage seeds each year. If I like the varieties, I save seed so I can continue growing them. Heritage seeds remain true to type unlike F1 varieties. The other advantage of heritage seeds is that they were bred at a time when there were no pest or disease sprays, so they can survive pests and diseases. They have also survived because they taste good. Indeed they are enjoying a renaissance at the moment.

If you have any questions about organic growing or seed saving, take a look at the Garden Organic website, or send me an email and I will try to answer it.’