Compost Sunday and Potato Weekend 2022

Compost Sunday and Potato Weekend 2022 were very successful events. We received nearly £170 on both days on Potato Weekend. Thank you to the members who supported us by buying compost or potatoes.

We had over 30 members take advantage of our pre-order service.  We hoped that it saved you time because you didn’t need to wait for your potatoes to be packed. Thank you to all those members who made an order through the pre-ordering system. If you’d like to make an order, please click here.  The potatoes are selling out fast, and it’s better to get your favourite varieties sooner rather than later because we have already sold out of Charlotte.  A good alternative salad crop would be Nadine, which is currently in stock.

Just to let you know, the red onion sets have now arrived, but the white onion sets should be delivered in a couple of weeks. So we will keep you updated.


Autumn onion sets, shallots and garlic October 2021

As all of the other harvests are coming to an end, it’s a good idea to start clearing your plot and planting some Autumn onion sets, shallots, garlic and flowering bulbs for a Spring display.

The BALGA Members’ Shop has the following varieties in stock as of 7 October 2021.

As you can see, we now have elephant garlic in stock at £0.70 per clove. Elephant garlic is ideal for roasting with potatoes and vegetables as it has a more subtle flavour than traditional garlic.

It’s a good idea to plant some tulips and daffodils now for a colourful display in Springtime. Why not come to the shop this Sunday (10 am-12 pm) to buy your Autumn planting bulbs, shallot and onion sets and garlic.

Availability of Potatoes and Onion Sets May 2020

After a very successful delivery service, we only have a limited amount of seed potatoes left in stock with many varieties having already sold out. If you do not have any seed potatoes planted yet, there is still time to order some seed potatoes from the Members’ Shop.

Why not try a different potato variety this year? We have a main crop variety called ‘Markies’ which is perfect for chipping, but it has an advantage over Maris Piper because it has better blight and disease resistance. Another good variety to try is second early ‘Saxon’ as it has uniform long oval-shaped potatoes that produce a good yield. Saxon is somewhat floury potato and is excellent for baking and chipping and has good resistance to drought and after cooking discolouration.

As you can see from the table, varieties are selling out, so why not do an online order to receive your potatoes? Click here to read the details on how to make an online order.

Availability of onion sets, shallots, garlic and flowering bulbs

There is still time to get your onion sets, shallots and flowering bulbs before the shop closes at the end of the season (24 Nov). Many gardening websites suggest that November is the perfect time to plant garlic and tulip bulbs, so why not come to the members’ shop this Sunday (10am – 12pm) and get some planting done before the weather changes.

It’s always nice to see things growing over the winter and it makes the plot look nice when the weather is so poor and there is little else growing.

As you can see from the table below, we have very limited stock of some varieties. If these are your favourites, then please come to the members’ shop this Sunday before they are sold out. We also have a handful of elephant garlic cloves left.
The members’ shop will now only be open  on 17 November and 24 November before closing for the winter at 12pm on 24 Nov.


Autumn Onion Sets

Summer may be winding down and we may be enjoying bountiful harvests, but now is the time to start thinking of the next growing season and this means the planting of autumn onion and shallot sets and garlic.

The members’ shop took delivery of the autumn sets a couple of weeks ago and this year we have available:

Onion sets (60p per 200g) :

  • Radar
  • Shakespeare
  • Tornado

Shallots (80p per 250g) :

  • Golden Gourmet
  • Red Sun
Shallot sets






(70p per head)

  • Thermidrome White
  • Carousel Pink

You can also sow broad beans in the autumn and Broad Bean Aquadulce is the ideal variety for growing over the winter months. There are packs of 200g for £1 available in the shop.

This year we are also trialing the sale of assorted narcissus and tulip bulbs. The narcissus are available for 90p per 500g and there are five varieties of tulip available; the price for these being £2 for 10 bulbs.

Tulip bulbs

The members’ shop is open every Sunday until the end of November.

What to Grow on your Plot in September

September is the month when you start to see bare patches on your allotment as you harvest and dig up this season’s plants. But worry not, there’s still things you can plant out during the autumn months and first up is autumn onion sets.

Onion sets are immature onions which have been lifted and dried to stop any further growth. You can buy several varieties from the members’ shop now. We have Radar, Shakespeare and Blood Red available.

Plant them out now and water well and they will then resume growing over the winter months. Autumn sets are hardy so no need to worry about protecting them from frosts etc.

The sets can either be planted direct into the ground, just push them in root end first so just the tops are showing approx. 4″ – 6″ apart.

Or they can be started off in modules with compost and planted out once the top growth is a few inches high.

Either way, I like to protect mine from being pulled up by pigeons until they have established themselves by covering them with a mesh tunnel.

Autumn planted sets are usually ready for harvesting a short time before spring planted sets, so I find it’s a good way of spreading the harvesting season. Once harvested, onions store well. Just string them up and hang in a shed or bin store in my case.