Best Kept Allotment Competition

Two independent judges scored the 20 shortlisted plots for Best Plot Overall and the 6 shortlisted plots for Best Newcomer 2024. The judges had a difficult task this year as it was a closely fought contest.

Adam H. (CR47B) scored the most points at Clothall Road and is the Best Plot at Clothall Road. Dave K. (NR49B/50B) scored the most points at North Road
and is the Best Plot at North Road. Congratulations to Adam H., who scored the most points overall and will be awarded the Basil Bryant Cup. Winners will receive a £25 voucher to use at the Members’ Shop. Presentations will be made at the 2025 AGM.

Adam H (pictured early summer)
Best Plot at North Road (please note we took the picture in late August)

Here are the results for the newcomers: Kemjira S. (CR14A) scored the most points at Clothall Road and is the Best Newcomer at Clothall Road. Colin M.
(NR60A) scored the most points at North Road and is the Best Newcomer at North Road. Kemjira will be awarded the Frank Conway Cup and Colin will be
awarded the John Gray Cup at the 2025 AGM. In addition, the Best Newcomers will receive a £10 gift.

Best Newcomer at Clothall Road (Please note photo was taken in late August)
Best Newcomer at North Road (Please note photo was taken in late August)

Congratulations to all the winners and finalists! Pictures of the winning plots can be found in this article. Hopefully, this will give you some inspiration for next year!

North Road Car Park

The 5 spaces of the car park at North Road allotment site next to the flower meadow will be unavailable from Monday 4th November to Friday 22nd December 2023. This is to store gravel for a river restoration project. BALGA may receive some compensation for the inconvenience caused.


Raised Beds

The Baldock Rotary Club needed some space to start some trees for the new woodland in Baldock. We didn’t have any plots available to help them, but we did have some raised beds that needed repair.  Once they had removed all of their trees, they repaired all of the raised beds, so we can now let them to prospective tenants.

The raised beds are ideal for those with mobility challenges or a disability. They are elevated, making it easier to reach and tend to plants.

If you are interested in a raised bed, please fill out this form here. 



Blight Warning July 2021

Blight warning

With the very wet and humid conditions of the past few weeks, the almost inevitable potato blight has struck very early on both sites. Potato leaves will discolour and stalks will die back in a matter of days with a distinctive odour about them. If the foliage is not quickly removed down to the ground level on those plants affected, the blight can spread to the underground tubers, which then become unusable.  All affected foliage that has been removed should not be composted or placed in the brown bin, but instead burnt or put into general waste bins. Tomato plants can be similarly affected and should be pulled up and disposed of in the same way. Spores that cause the blight can remain in the soil or compost for a year or so. It is thus better to avoid planting potatoes and tomatoes next year in the ground that has been so affected this year.

There are now several varieties of blight resistant potatoes and tomatoes available, which are usually clearly labelled as such and which you may care to think about growing next year. Blight seems to be becoming more prevalent each year, but not usually this early in the season.  Only once before have I known it this early in 40 years of allotment gardening although most years now it often presents itself by late August or September when most of the growing has been done and crops can be harvested successfully.