Autumn Delivery 2022

Good news! The onion and shallot sets, garlic, and flowering bulbs have arrived ready to buy from the Members’ Shop on Sunday (10 am-12 pm). The varieties and prices are as follows:

  • Onions (Autumn Champion) 80p per 200g
  • Shallots (Yellow Moon) 90p per 200g
  • Mixed daffs £1.00 for 500g
  • Tulips 10 for £2.10.
  • Garlic (Thermidrome) 70p
  • Baldock garlic 70p
  • Elephant garlic 70p.


National Allotment Society AGM 2022

Three committee members went to the Nationa Allotment Society AGM on Saturday 18 June 2022. After the formal business, we were invited to look around Kings Seeds. They were very passionate about the business and the tour was very informative. We use the Kings’ Seeds scheme as an allotment association, so you can buy your seeds at a reduced rate. We saw how seeds were separated from dirt,  put into packets and how they were handpicked for our allotment orders.

Have a look at the pictures below, if only you could smell the scent of the sweet peas.

Ecofest 2022

On Saturday 07 May, BALGA had a stand to talk to attendees of Ecofest about growing your own food and allotments. Our stand was on Baldock High Street and it was nice to speak to some of you. A few people came and enquired about a plot.

We have a waiting list of over 40 people, but we did talk to the public about the benefits of being a member. There are many benefits to becoming a member of BALGA. For example, you’re able to use the Members’ Shop which is open every Sunday until the end of November. You can take advantage of buying seeds from our Kings’ Seeds catalogue at considerably lower prices. You also receive bi-monthly newsletters and allotment magazines. Visit the Shop this Sunday (until the end of November) to find out more.

We would like to thank you for buying tomato plants (kindly donated by committee members Alison and Phil), and sunflower seeds. All the money raised will go to the Disasters Emergency Committee Ukrainian appeal or Baldock School’s Gardening Club.

We would like to say thank you to Christine at Ecofest for allowing us to have a stand. Also, thank you to all of our volunteers who represented BALGA.


Small packets of Sunflower seeds are now on sale in the BALGA shop (three seeds for just £1). All money received will be going to the Disasters Emergency Committee appeal for Ukraine. The Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine so, in addition to raising funds, growing them will help to show support for the Ukrainian people.

Dropped Kerb at Clothall Road

In the last newsletter, we reported that Councilor Muir provided a grant to have a dropped kerb and tarmac verge crossing at Clothall Road. We are delighted to inform you that the Herts County Council has completed the work.

As you can see from the photos, the result is neat and will allow deliveries of
heavy goods by agricultural vehicles without damage to the roadside verge.

AGM 2022

The BALGA Annual General Meeting will be held on 21 March 2022 at 7.30 pm at the Baldock Community Centre. You should receive your paperwork soon by email (hand delivery for those not on email), which will include reports and a copy of the proposed draft amendments to the BALGA Constitution which must be approved by a majority of members present before it can be adopted. There will be presentations made to the winners of the Best Kept Allotment Competition 2021.

Members are invited to ask questions or make comments on any of the agenda items, but if you wish to raise any item under any other business this must be notified to Phil (, our General Secretary by 14 March, giving details of that item. The community centre has a bar, so you’ll be able to buy refreshments. We look forward to seeing as many members as possible. It’s a great way to meet your committee and members.

Although we cannot ask you to wear a mask, if you would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, then please do so. It is your preference as to whether you
wish to continue to wear one.

Compost Sunday and Potato Weekend 2022

Compost Sunday and Potato Weekend 2022 were very successful events. We received nearly £170 on both days on Potato Weekend. Thank you to the members who supported us by buying compost or potatoes.

We had over 30 members take advantage of our pre-order service.  We hoped that it saved you time because you didn’t need to wait for your potatoes to be packed. Thank you to all those members who made an order through the pre-ordering system. If you’d like to make an order, please click here.  The potatoes are selling out fast, and it’s better to get your favourite varieties sooner rather than later because we have already sold out of Charlotte.  A good alternative salad crop would be Nadine, which is currently in stock.

Just to let you know, the red onion sets have now arrived, but the white onion sets should be delivered in a couple of weeks. So we will keep you updated.


Potato Weekend 2022

Unfortunately, the supplier cannot deliver the seed potatoes until Wednesday, 16 February. Therefore, Potato Weekend will be postponed to Saturday 19 and Sunday 20 February. If you have already pre-ordered potatoes for collection on Saturday 12  or Sunday 13 February, we will assume you’re happy to collect on the same day one week later. If the date is not suitable, please email Stewart ( note the BALGA Members’ Shop will be closed on Saturday 12 and 13 February, but the shop will re-open for Potato Weekend on Saturday 19 and 20 February.

Click here to see more about ordering potatoes.

Compost Sunday 2022

Compost Sunday will be on 30 January 2022 from 10 am to 12 pm at the BALGA Members’ Shop. You will see below, we have a selection of different types of compost including peat-free compost. If you need any large bags (20-25kg) of fertiliser (particularly chicken manure), please can you contact Stuart ( This will allow us to order in plenty of time.

Clothall Road Allotments Excess Produce Donations

Over 15 million people in the UK live in poverty.

According to the Legatum Institute, before the pandemic, 14.4 million people in the UK were living in poverty.  This number increased by another 690,000 by Winter 2020 due to the impact of Covid.   Living in poverty means families struggle to feed their families and rely on donations / food banks to feed their families.  Closer to home, 1 in 4 children in Letchworth live in poverty (Source Best Before Cafe).  Families who live in poverty, constantly live with the anxiety of wondering where the next meal will come from.

Clothall Road Allotment Holders Donation Box

Back in early 2020, a few members of the Clothall Allotment Site decided to set up a donation box where allotment holders can put their excess fruit and veg in on a Monday or Thursday evening throughout the Summer and Autumn.  One allotment holder even supplies homemade chutneys and jams (complying with Natasha’s law by fully labelling the ingredients).  The produce is then taken to the Food Bank in Letchworth the following morning – any food not taken by customers of the food bank then goes to the Best Before Café; which continues the fight against poverty.

There is no pressure for anyone to donate anything, but donations are very gratefully received.  There are even some allotment holders have grown extra produce with a view to donating to the food bank.  So far in the 2021 season alone, we estimate that Clothall Road allotment holders have generously donated in excess of £600 of produce, a significant increase on 2020.

Feedback from the food back, and Suzy who runs the Best Before Café is constant and full of superlatives – they always say how beautiful, fresh and tasty the produce is; and how much of a difference it makes to those who struggle to feed their families.  They are always so very grateful.

How Can You Help?

Please donate any excess fruit or veg that you have.

If you have any spare space on your allotment where you can grow extra fruit or veg, or have any excess seeds / onion sets etc, please grow them with a view to donating to the food bank.

What and how to Donate

Please place all produce in the black box located by the water tank near the main gate on a Monday or Thursday evening.

Please donate produce that you would be prepared to eat yourselves.

It is very helpful if produce is bagged up/ placed in re-cycled punnets in small amounts, so that it is easy for food bank customers to carry home.

If the produce is muddy, please remove any dirt or give them a quick wash.

On behalf of the Food Bank and the Best Before Café – a very big and heartfelt THANK YOU to those who have donated, you have made such a difference!

If you have any questions, please speak to Andy CR17B/ CR16A