BHS Autumn Show 2023

Baldock Horticultural Society is again holding its members’ Autumn Show on Wednesday 20th September at Brandles School in Weston Way. As last year, BALGA members are invited to exhibit entries with schedules listing various classes of veg, fruit and flowers available in our Members’ Shop, on the Baldock Horticultural Society website. It is all a bit of fun and an opportunity to take pride in what you have grown. Let’s again, see some BALGA members entering and perhaps winning!

Mick (Chairman)

Autumn onion sets, shallots and garlic October 2021

As all of the other harvests are coming to an end, it’s a good idea to start clearing your plot and planting some Autumn onion sets, shallots, garlic and flowering bulbs for a Spring display.

The BALGA Members’ Shop has the following varieties in stock as of 7 October 2021.

As you can see, we now have elephant garlic in stock at £0.70 per clove. Elephant garlic is ideal for roasting with potatoes and vegetables as it has a more subtle flavour than traditional garlic.

It’s a good idea to plant some tulips and daffodils now for a colourful display in Springtime. Why not come to the shop this Sunday (10 am-12 pm) to buy your Autumn planting bulbs, shallot and onion sets and garlic.

Autumn Delivery October 2020

Autumn planting onion sets, shallots, garlic and flowering bulbs are now in stock and are available every Sunday until the end of the growing season (November).

We have the following varieties available:

Onion Sets (£0.70 per 200g)
Senshyu Yellow (limited availability) 
Senshyu onions are a large round onion with a white flesh inside with a mild flavour that would go nicely in a salad.
Red Winter
Red Winter is a good quality large onion that can taste quite sweet. Red onion sets are prone to bolting but this particular variety has excellent resistance to bolting and pests and diseases.

Shallots (£2.10 per 250g)
Jermor has a shiny brown skin with a pinkish flesh. This is a good sweet variety to try.

Elephant garlic (£0.70 per clove)
Elephant garlic is not a true garlic, but produces stems like leeks and the large bulbs have a mild garlic taste that is ideal for roasting.

Flowering bulbs
Why not plant some flowering bulbs in your garden and allotment for some spring colour?
Mixed daffodils – £0.90 per 500g
Mixed Garden Tulips – 10 bulbs for £2.00

Hope to see you at the shop on Sunday. Remember to keep a social distance, especially if there are more than six people at the shop.