We had our Annual General Meeting on January 2024 at the Community Centre in Baldock. Along with the formal business, we heard reports from various committee members about the work we completed last year.
The winners of the Best Kept Allotment Competition were awarded their certificate and trophy by Counsellor Muir. Please see the pictures below of the tenants receiving their certificate, trophy and gift voucher for the Members’ Shop.

Mick Camp, Alison Gentle, Jon Jones and Phil Charsley were all re-elected onto the Committee. We welcome Ian Rees and Sarah Bassett who were voted onto the Committee too.
Despite the problems we’ve had with the lock at North Road, it was agreed by those present from the North Road site that the lock on the gate should not be replaced for the time being.
Membership fees would be increased from £6 to £7 for 2024/25. Allotment rents would stay the same.
BALGA had received over £2,000 from the North Herts Lottery. This would be used to provide solar security lighting for the sites and a box for food bank donations at North Road.
An update was given on the progress of bringing back in to use 30 half-plots at the North Road site.BALGA had been liaising with Urban & Civic on the provision of allotments and expanding the facilities at the current sites as part of the expansion of Baldock.
The Committee was given the go ahead to look into changing BALGA from an unincorporated association to a co-operative. There will be more information on this soon.
We would like to thank everyone who attended the AGM, and we look forward to sharing our progress this year.