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Adam Frost 2023

Do you watch BBC Gardeners’ World? If so, you will be familiar with regular presenter Adam Frost, who in 2023 is coming to Baldock to present Adam’s Journey (His Life in Gardening), organised by the Baldock Horticultural Society

When: 15 March 2023
Time: 7.30 pm
Location: Knights Templar School
Organiser: Baldock Horticultural Society 

Tickets are £10 each (£8 for BHS members) and can be bought at the Members’ Shop or contact us.

If you would like any more information, please click here to visit the website.

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023 Reminder

Remember, we have our annual general meeting on Monday 23 January, at 7.30 pm at Baldock Community Centre, Simpsons Drive, which is off the High Street. Please come along if you can to support us and hear more of what is being done by your Committee on your behalf. Please bring your membership card so that it can be validated to show that you have paid, if that has not already been done. If you are unable to attend in person please consider obtaining by email a Proxy Voting Form to cast your votes which must be done at least 3 hours before the start of the meeting.

Councillor Muir will present awards for the Best Kept Allotment Competition. Also, meeting your committee and other members will be a great opportunity. We hope to see you there.

John Johnson

Some very sad news to share with you all. We’ve just heard that John Johnson, long time plot holder on Clothall Road site, sadly died on 16th December. John was a good and meticulous gardener – straight rows were important and weeds not welcome! He was also the winner of Best Kept Allotment Competition in 2019. You can see his plot in the picture below. As the years passed John was helped by his daughters and Lesley became his co-worker taking over the plot just three months ago when John was hospitalised. I know John will be really missed, not only by daughters Lesley and Tracy to whom we express our condolences, but also his fellow plot holders who worked alongside him for many years.

BALGA Best plot 2019


This is the time of year when we plan for and announce the BALGA Annual General Meeting (AGM), which will be held on Monday 23rd January 2023 at Baldock Community Centre in Simpsons Drive beginning at 7.30pm.  Doors will open at 7pm with a pay bar available and a raffle.  Some packets of pea and bean seeds from the Shop will also be on sale. This is your opportunity to come together and hear more about the work carried out by your Committee on behalf of you all and your Association over the past year, to participate in any discussions and to raise any issue you consider relevant under Any Other Business (AOB), subject to the notice period given on the attached Agenda.  The meeting will start with presentations to the winners of the 2022 Best Kept Allotment competition and there will also be an illustrated explanation on our plans to expand the North Road site. We greatly value your support and appreciate any positive suggestions or comments you care to make, so please do make every effort to attend if you can, especially newer members.  It is your opportunity to meet fellow members and your Committee. For those unable to attend in person, under our amended Constitution, a Proxy Voting Form is now available from General Secretary Phil Charsley to be returned ideally one day before the meeting but certainly by three hours before, i.e. 4.30pm on 23rd January.  If another member for whom we have no recorded email address lives at the same postal address as a member receiving the AGM reports, please share them with that member to save paper and printing.  Those members not on email will still receive a paper copy of this notice and the meeting Agenda by post or hand delivery.  Paper copies of the reports will not be available at the AGM for the same reason but extracts will be projected on to a screen for reference during relevant presentations.

It would be helpful if any member not receiving correspondence by email, but who does have an email address which we don’t have recorded, to send that email address to Bob our Database Manager ( to avoid the need for future hand delivery.  Such information is secure under our Data Protection Policy. Finally, on behalf of your Committee I wish you all a very happy and safe Christmas and good and productive gardening in 2023. Mick CampChairman

Kings’ Seeds 2022

Thank you to those who have submitted their Kings’ Seed order. We have already received a number of orders, but there is still a little time to get your order in. Remember, the Kings’ seed order deadline is 23 October to receive your 7.5% discount on prices. The Kings’ Seed catalogue offers you a wider choice of varieties at prices 40% cheaper than you will probably find elsewhere. You can submit your order at the BALGA Members’ Shop this Sunday, 10 am – 12 pm. Order just eight packets to save enough to pay for your membership of BALGA. The Association itself benefitted by about £200 from last season’s orders. So why not make an order not only to buy seeds at considerably lower prices but also to help your Association?We’ve had quite a few new members and tenants recently. So if you would like to take advantage of the Kings’ Seeds Scheme, collect a Kings’ Seeds catalogue on any Sunday at the Members’ Shop from 10 am -12 pm until the end of November. However, late orders will not benefit from the 7.5% discount.

We asked several tenants to try the Kings’ Seeds online ordering system. We will collect their feedback and let the Committee and Kings’ Seeds know. If it is successful, then we will give all members the opportunity to order their seeds online.

Autumn Delivery 2022

Good news! The onion and shallot sets, garlic, and flowering bulbs have arrived ready to buy from the Members’ Shop on Sunday (10 am-12 pm). The varieties and prices are as follows:

  • Onions (Autumn Champion) 80p per 200g
  • Shallots (Yellow Moon) 90p per 200g
  • Mixed daffs £1.00 for 500g
  • Tulips 10 for £2.10.
  • Garlic (Thermidrome) 70p
  • Baldock garlic 70p
  • Elephant garlic 70p.


BALGA Open Day 2022

Remember, we are hosting our annual BALGA Open Day at Tapps Garden Centre on Saturday, 13 August (12 pm – 3 pm), to celebrate National Allotments Week. It’s a perfect opportunity to meet committee members and other members. You can collect the new Kings’ Seeds catalogue with prices considerably less than garden centres. We will have an interesting display with glut-busting recipes, site maps and North Road expansion, interesting articles from the National Allotment Society and updates from BALGA. Phil will also have heritage seeds with advice on how to grow them.  Refreshments will be available from Tapps. It would be great to see you there.

National Allotment Society AGM 2022

Three committee members went to the Nationa Allotment Society AGM on Saturday 18 June 2022. After the formal business, we were invited to look around Kings Seeds. They were very passionate about the business and the tour was very informative. We use the Kings’ Seeds scheme as an allotment association, so you can buy your seeds at a reduced rate. We saw how seeds were separated from dirt,  put into packets and how they were handpicked for our allotment orders.

Have a look at the pictures below, if only you could smell the scent of the sweet peas.