Availability of onion sets, shallots, garlic and flowering bulbs

There is still time to get your onion sets, shallots and flowering bulbs before the shop closes at the end of the season (24 Nov). Many gardening websites suggest that November is the perfect time to plant garlic and tulip bulbs, so why not come to the members’ shop this Sunday (10am – 12pm) and get some planting done before the weather changes.

It’s always nice to see things growing over the winter and it makes the plot look nice when the weather is so poor and there is little else growing.

As you can see from the table below, we have very limited stock of some varieties. If these are your favourites, then please come to the members’ shop this Sunday before they are sold out. We also have a handful of elephant garlic cloves left.
The members’ shop will now only be open  on 17 November and 24 November before closing for the winter at 12pm on 24 Nov.